"...Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations" Doctrine and Covenants 115:5

Monday, April 6, 2015


I think since coming to the MTC I have grown 5 extra, overly-active tear ducts in each eye. I swear. With that image in your head, please just try to picture the obnoxious scene that I made over the Temple announcement! Seriously though, it went something like this: "AHH *squeals and screams* *Leaps on Sister Olsen* *Bursts into loud, heaving sobs* I LOVE THAILAND AND I LOVE HEAVENLY FATHER!" Haha.... I wish this was an exaggeration. Poor missionaries trying to listen to the Prophet... they couldn't hear him over me. It's okay, I don't think I was the only one. Anyway, how amazing is that though! I am overjoyed for Thailand right now. God is truly mindful of all of His children, and His work is truly spreading across the whole globe. It's amazing to see these miracles, and recognize how much God's hand is truly in the lives of all of us. Those Thai people will be SO blessed- seriously THOUSANDS of people- and I can't even control my emotions over it! Plus, I get to go there and help people prepare to attend the temple that will now be in their beautiful city! Ahhhhh I love this gospel. :) 

And can we just talk about how amazing conference was!? I went in with a prayer and 13 questions that I wanted answers to, and I left conference with 13 answers and a completely full heart and increased testimony! I can't even choose a favorite talk... but if I had to, it might be Elder Andersen's, because he talked about Thailand ;) haha. Actually, I really loved Uchtdorf's talk on Grace. Grace unlocks the gates of Heaven! We need to enter into the gates of Heaven, and we do that with a change of heart. We need to be converted to the gospel, and allow His grace to work more fully in our lives and help us become our best selves! I also loved Gerald Causse's talk, and not just because he has a French accent that you all know I'm obsessed with... But I LOVE how he reminded us all that we always need to MARVEL at the WONDERS of the GOSPEL. I put all those words in capital letters, because sometimes we take advantage of the little blessings and miracles that we see every day... but we need to truly find them MARVELous! And recognize that every little blessing is WONDERful! Every night I have been recording 50 blessings that I've noticed throughout the day, and it has helped me really recognize the Lord's hand in my life, and makes me want to marvel more at each little thing. That is one thing that I will change because of conference: Marvel at each little wonder, anchor my faith in the plain and simple truths, and cherish the Holy Ghost in my life. I invite each of you to pick at least 5 things from conference that you are going to apply and change in your life (it's only 5! I should make the number higher...) It should be easy peasy with all of the wonderful counsel we received!

Oh, on Friday we got our travel plans. No big deal or anything but I'm FLYING TO THAILAND NEXT MONDAY! 3:35am we report to the travel office... then we fly to Minnesota (how random is that?) and then straight from Minnesota to Thailand! I will be in Thailand by next Wednesday :) Oh and guess who the travel leader is? The one that has to be in charge of making sure 15 rowdy missionaries behave themselves and make it through security and onto the planes? Me. Yep.

Well family, I hope you all had an amazing Easter! I hope you remember the Savior in your lives everyday. Remember that He lives! And because He lives, we will all live again, we can all overcome physical and spiritual death, because He has conquered both. He pleads with the Father in our behalf, so that we can be forgiven and keep trying everyday. Never forget to apply the amazing Atonement in your life everyday. I know that Christ is my Savior, the head of this wonderful gospel, and the only way that we will be truly happy and return to live with Him and our Father after this life.

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